Digital Media (Popular Culture and Arts Education)
Ipad/Imovie short videos
WEEK 7 (June 18)
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
— Wendell Berry
I was so lucky to have a like minded partner that was also wanting to move slowly. I was still really exhausted and kind of ill from my concussion during this class and I wasn’t even sure if I could stay, but luckily my partner was a friend and in a quiet mindset. The teaching of the use of the ipad was great, and we really enjoyed the process and freedom to get out into nature. But in the end we had some technical issues since we both were taking photos and video and thought we could combine it in the editing. So we had to work with half of our footage in the end! This made it stressful but we were OK with the end result. I felt very vulnerable showing our video because it was so different from most of them in that it was quite serious and contemplative, since I wasn’t feeling well. I felt like an outsider because it was a hot summer day and almost everyone else was laughing loudly and had so much energy, and they made really funny experimental videos. I noticed a bunch of them, especially the boys, weren't paying attention to ours when it was playing and I'm embarrassed to say that it sort of made me feel bad!
This again was a great experience for me as a teacher and as a person, to have the experience of having to choose to participate even though you feel really vulnerable, not cool and not really functioning at a high level. I have so much empathy for the students with exceptionalities and other physical, personal, emotional struggles. This experience reminded me of high school and elementary school as far as having experiences where you want to fit in and you want to do well in school, but you just don’t have the wherewithal. It is also character building and reminds me that these difficult experiences really help you grow as an individual. In this case Jan made have suspected something because she commented that she really liked our music and asked about our poem, which was nice since it is great to have some positive feedback when you are presenting your art in front of a group.
Regarding assessment I think that the video could be used in a summative way, however students would need much more time so that their chances of success would be higher. I felt vulnerable about my product but thought the process was totally amazing and loved what I learned. Students could do self assessments and fill out exit slips to that the teacher could keep track of where students are with the project. I could see how you could get really wrapped up in using technology and be set up for frustration if you are aiming too high. I think this happens all the time in film and theatre production (and visual art projects) - you aim really high and have grand visions and then the last days is super stressful because you have to cut and edit things out like crazy because of lack of time and resources. Extensions could include adding more layers of music or making a series or sequel. Adaptations could included giving students time to practice and come in after school or at lunch of they need more time with the equipment, and also projects could be more open ended and inquiry based so the results are in line with students interests and abilities.